Testing what is essential... 

There is nothing more important to health than good food.  A healthy diet, supplies the body with all 40 essential nutrients. WHL is specialised in testing methodes that provide acurate feedback on the level of nutrients that you get from your food. 

Which essentials do you need to test?

16 Vitamines

Sure if you don't eat right, where does your body make the energy from or the building blocks to trive? 
Do you know what you eat and how it is processed in your body? 
Our blood tests give you an exact reading of your vitamine levels.

17 Fats 

Not every fat is the same. Essential fats cannot be made by the body. When in competition with non essential fats, health is compromised. And some fats are even toxic to the body. 
Want to know the ratio between Omega 3-6-9 in your tissues? 

42 Amino acids  

Amino acids make up proteins found in every tissue of the body and play a major role in many chemical processes that affects physical and mental functions. Too high levels can even be toxic!
Find out what your levels of (essential) amino acids are!

20 Minerals

(Trace) elements are crucial parts of many biochemical conversions in the body, such as co-factors in enzyme reactions. 
The test can give insight into the effect of dietary changes or supplementation. 
Make your food choices on the basis of measurements!

Testing your levels of essential nutrients, is the most important  factor to determine human health.

Health is mostly as it comes. Even if you feel healthy almost everybody has a few minor symptoms and discomforts, which do not fit optimal health and no, or only a few indicators of future risks, are known.
Through malnutrition, symptoms of deficiency may be developed. And a higher risk to develop a (chronic) disease in the future. Even too many nutrients can cause problems  and will eventually become toxic, first through increased risks and than with vague complaints as fatigue. 

The optimal values are not the same for everyone due to biochemical individuality.  Which means that the individual need of each nutrient in healthy people already differs up to 10 times.  The only way to obtain good knowledge is by measurement and testing. 

For whom is such a test program useful?
  • People who want to stay healthy or improve their health.
  • People who give their children or future children the best.
  • People with stressful, busy and responsible work/activity.
  • (Top) sportsman/woman.
  • People with vague complaints, failing energy, certain diseases.
Because there are more than 40 essential nutrients and because of the risk aspects, which are considered too, the test programs are extensive.

Find out more about our lab tests

For our European and  Non European customers we can help you through our laboratory in Bunnik, The Netherlands.
For American customers we direct to our American colleagues at the address below!

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