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540 Bordentown Ave, South Amboy, NJ 08879, United States

Mr. E. van den Horst • October 16, 2018

Press Release October 2018

Alzheimer test already available at World Health Laboratory!

Risk factors of Alzheimer and Dementia, include many deficiencies of essential nutrients + metabolites. This may be important in prevention of Alzheimer or Dementia because these deficiencies can be determined before symptoms appear. This may be applicable to persons with Amyloid levels slightly above normal.

How does it work?

The Amyloid peptides are derived from the Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP). There consists 2 forms of these peptides: Amyloid-β peptide with 42 amino acids (Aβ1-42) and Amyloid-β peptide with 40 amino acids (Aβ1-40). High levels of these 2 peptides in serum correlate with Alzheimer disease and Dementia. Normal persons have very low levels of these peptides, followed by much higher levels related to Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and above these levels there is correlation with Alzheimer.

MD’s using our laboratory service for Amyloid peptides have demonstrated on a small scale that it is possible to reduce the Amyloid peptide levels including improvement of the clinical condition (CDR = Clinical Dementia Rating) with the use of improved nutrition and nutritional supplements. This approach may improve also the general health of concerned persons with no or very limited side effects. Dr. Dale Bredesen, MD (USA) has published a book for persons interested in this disease called “The end of Alzheimer’s” ISBN 9780735216204.

Get a FREE test!

To use the service of WHL a request of an MD is necessary. Your GP can draw blood in the special tubes we use, or the patient can come to the laboratory directly. We are at Regulierenring 9 3981 LA in Bunnik, Monday thru Thursday from 09:00 – 15:00, Friday from 09:00 – 12:00.

Already over 7 years World Health Laboratory (WHL) together with our partner in the USA perform this blood test for research purposes. Also we are participating in applied research with this test and for familial Alzheimer situations we can also measure antibodies to Amyloid-β peptide. However the amount of patients is still too limited for publication in a peer reviewed scientific journal. For example we need more blood samples from patients diagnosed with Alzheimer.

In addition we temporary offer a free test for Alzheimer patients who are already diagnosed with Alzheimer. Don’t hesitate to get in touch for further information.


Dr. Emar F. Vogelaar

World Health Laboratory

t +31 (0)30 287 1492

m +31 (0)6 2278 6920

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